Monday 22 September 2008

Lovely Legs Kettlebell Workout!

WARNING!!!  This workout will also tone and tighten your midriff!

Here's a lower body workout for you.  I will post a video of all the exercises soon, but technical hitches over the weekend meant all the footage I got was useless!

So for those of you who know what each exercise is I thought I'd get the workout out for you, contact me if you have any questions, otherwise I'll update you when the video is done!

WARM UP:  5 - 10 mins progressive warm up to include dynamic stretches and joint mobility work for the full body and static stretches ONLY for muscle groups that are particularly tight (eg calves and hamstrings).

You can also foam roll tight areas, especially the ITB, at this point (more info HERE).


Swings x 15  (If you want even more of a cardio blast for maximum fat burning you can add a set of swings in between every other exercise in the circuit! You can also have an active rest by performing a 'round the body pass' or slingshot for the 30 s rest period - this will give you abs some extra work and stop the heart rate dropping too much...)

Squats x 20 (10 each side if holding KB racked to one side, alternatively hold to your chest, by the horns).  

Single Leg Deadlift x 10 each leg

Cossack Side Lunge x 10 each side

Single Leg Straight Leg Deadlift x 10 each side

KB Overhead Squat x 10 each side.  Hold one kettlebell overhead as you squat - only if you have strong and stable shoulders and feel comfortable doing this.  The alternative is to leave the KB out of it and hold your arms above your head in a Y shape.

Tactical Lunges x 10 ES.  Pass the kettlebell under your leg at the low point of the lunge, while keeping the body tall.  Step back with the leg you are holding the kettlebell in.

Side Lunges x 10 ES.

Single Leg Get Ups or Full Pistol Squats x 5 ES.  If you can do full Pistols, then shoot!  If you can't (or don't know what I'm on about!) then try the Get Up - sit on a chair, extend one leg in front of you and stand up with one leg only, then sit back down!  Start high and gradually lower the seat as you improve.

Windmill x 10 ES.  This should be done without the Kettlebell until you have the movement dialled, then add a light kettlebell to the lower arm and eventually hold the kettlebell in the upper arm.

Same Side Elbow to Knee Crunch x 10 ES.  Hold a light kettlebell in the arm overhead, bringing the elbow down to the knee as you lift the knee up on the same side.

Side Plank 30 s ES.  To make this harder, lift the top leg so you are in a star shape....

You can repeat this circuit up to 3 times!  As you improve, reduce the rest periods and increase the number of circuits...


Unknown said...

Wow! That looks tough..but I am so ready for tough! Thanks Caroline!

Sincere said...

Awww yeah, now this looks like a butt-kicker Caroline. Suhweet!
