Saturday 23 August 2008

Metabolic Surge HIIT Using My 14kg KBs... Killer...

Oh my gosh I can't believe I just survived that workout!  I'm doing Nick Nilsson's Metabolic Surge programme at the moment - it's a rapid fat loss plan that gives you very precise workout and nutrition protocols every day for 46 days, consisting of low carb days, low fat days, protein only days and even a fruit only day!  This is definitely too prescriptive for many but I like testing these things out so thought I'd give it a go and I'm actually really enjoying it!  More so today, as you are allowed a cheat / treat meal at the end of each of 3 rounds - and that is tonight for me!

Anyway, the workouts are matched to fit the nutrition protocol you are following on that day - there are fat loss circuits, high intensity intervals and muscle rounds on certain days, as well as the odd rest day! His workouts are a bit more bodybuilding style than I would do, so I have modified them a bit to use mostly kettlebell exercises (of course!).

Today was High Intensity Intervals (HIIT) and I decided to use my 14kg KB for snatches.  Only 15 minutes - a great metabolism boost before my cheat meal!

The protocol for HIIT in the first round is either maximal (25 s work to 5 s rest for a total of 15 mins) or submaximal (1 min work to 30 s rest for a total of 20 mins).  I decided to go for the former, and worked out that meant about 8 snatches each arm with 5 s in between for a total of 36 intervals.  

Maybe I'm just stupid, but I didn't think that sounded too bad (even though 'killer' Tabata intervals are 20 s work to 10 s rest x a measly 8!) but by set 17 (I have a fab Gymboss Interval timer that beeps at me to start and stop and totals the sets up for you - no way I'd manage that on my own whilst in the middle of death by kettlbell!) I realised I had my work cut out to get through it! 5 s rest is basically no rest...

But get through I did and I just had to post!  Give it a go now, only 15 mins and think of the metabolic boost it'll give you for your Saturday night fun!

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