Thursday, 28 August 2008

26 x 25 + 28 x 25 = A Lot Of Kettlebell Swings!

Tuesday and Wednesday were 'Fat Loss Circuit Training' on the Metabolic Surge programme I'm following at the mo, and this time there were 26 sets on Tuesday and 28 sets on Wed - there is a set of a resistance exercise with 40 s of cardio in between.  

This time I did swings for my cardio BOTH DAYS!

As 25 swings takes me 40 s I just did 25 swings each time.  There is no rest between the resistance and cardio so each workout (before the core stuff at the end) took between 30 & 40 mins (Wed took a bit longer, funnily enough...). 

And each workout burnt about 650 cals, according to my Polar Heart Rate Monitor.  Not bad...

26 x 25 is 650 and 28 x 25 s 700, so that's a total of 1350 swings over 2 days (not counting the ones I've done as demos while training people of course!).

Eeek, not sure I'd have done it at all if I was any better at mental arithmetic and had figured that out in advance!

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