Tuesday 21 July 2009

Free 30 Minute Coaching Call and a Kettlebell Challenge!

Just to let you all know that I am going to be running a KettleBelleBody Transformation Contest soon, and that I would like you to be a part of it!

It's going to be a 30 day challenge: you have to follow my KettleBelleBody Programme and Nutrition Guide and chart your progress on a blog (you can do this via the member site: http://carolineradway.ning.com).

There will be a winner in both the male and female category (the program is 'not just for girls' despite the title so don't want to exclude the guys, and it will be great if we could get some couples doing this together!)

As a bonus to anyone who doesn't yet have a copy of the programme, I am offering a 30 minute coaching call to the next 20 people who grab a copy!

Crazy, maybe, but a few clients are off on holiday over the next couple of weeks so thought I'd put those few hours to good use! This offer is going to run for 24 hours or until the 20 places have gone (or until I realise what a fool I've been and change my mind!)

So, if you don't have a copy yet, make sure you head on over to: www.kettlebellebody.com now and get in there quick!

If you do already have a copy, you can get a 30 minute call when you sign up for the Transformation Contest (more on that to come soon!), so you get a prize just for signing up!

So, let me know if you are going to join the contest, and send this link on to friends and family that you think would be up for the challenge or in need of some extra motivation!

Let me know if you have any questions in the comments below and let me know if you want to schedule in your 30 minute coaching call (best to leave an hour just in case we go over 30 mins...)
Speak soon!

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