The latest KettleBelleBody Challenge is up, so those of you who entered need to submit your before and after pics and measurements, and a report about what you did and how it all went, by Wednesday!
As several entrants were ill at various points over the past month, we talked of extending the challenge, but I just got an email from my friend Brad, of Eat Stop Eat, who is running a challenge of his own, and thought that we could combine the two - use Brad's nutrition and KettleBelleBody workouts, to get in your best shape ever BEFORE New Year's Resolutions! Also means you can get all the bonuses he is offering, and also be in with a chance of winning a prize from me by entering and logging in the forum: !!!
The email I got from Brad (bear in mind I got this yesterday, 2nd Nov, so the '3 days' he mentions is now only 2!):
It's nine weeks until the end of 2009, I know, scary but true.
Nine weeks until we all start making our new resolutions.
And most likely, Nine weeks until we promise ourselves that we are
going "eat less, exercise more and finally lose some weight"
What a waste of a resolution!
We don't need to wait until December 31st to start losing weight.
In fact, with the right attitude and the right approach you could
lose twenty pounds BEFORE new years.
You could have twenty pounds LESS FAT on your body AT your new
years party.
So why wait?
Here's my challenge to you ==> Instead of wasting your resolution
on a weight loss goal, why not commit TODAY to losing 20 pounds
BEFORE 2010?
It's achievable, it's realistic and it is definitely doable.
I'm not going to lie to you, it will take some hard work on your
part. Losing 20 pounds in only 9 weeks is going to be a challenge -
But anything worth doing is worth doing right, so it's going to
take at least a bit of work.
So consider this a personal challenge.
And I'm going to do my best to help you along the way.
Here's how:
I'm calling this the "Lose 20 in 9 Before the end of 2009!"
To get you started in the right direction, I'm going to give you 3
great weight loss bonuses if you pick up your copy of Eat Stop Eat
over the next three days.
First, I'm going to give you 'How Many Calories' my answer to the
question "how many calories do you need to eat to lose weight"
Second, I'm going to give you "The Ten Day Diet Solution" A really
simple set of quick and easy guidelines for cutting back on how
much you eat
Third, I'm going to give you "The Eat Stop Eater's Guide to Eating,
Fasting and Everything in between" this is the success manual for
anybody who is new to the Eat Stop Eat lifestyle and want to learn
how to maximize it's fat burning benefits.
With Eat Stop Eat, these three bonuses and the Elimination Workout
(which you already have) you have ALL the tools you need to make a
20 pound weight loss by the end of 2009 a complete reality.
There is nothing missing, you will be armed with everything you
need, the rest will be up to you.
But if that doesn't sound like enough, I'm also willing to help you
along the way with two, hour long coaching calls with John Barban
(Science Editor of Eat Stop Eat) and me. The best part about these
calls is that John just recently lost 20 pounds in 9 weeks,
dropping from 215 pounds all the way down to a VERY lean 190
pounds, so he knows what you will be going through!
In our first call John and I will help you set your goals, set
your mind frame and cut through some of the common myths of weight
And of course we'll answer all of your questions on how to make
weight loss a reality.
Then in our second call we'll cover the hardest part of any diet -
keeping on track.
Why wait until 2010? Why waste your new years resolution on a
weight loss dream (after all, when you don't say a goal out load -
it's nothing more than a dream).
So here's your chance - Take the challenge to lose 20 pounds of
body fat BEFORE new years, and then think up a resolution that's
more original and more useful than "lose weight"
Time lines are tight, so this offer is only available for the next
three days.
If you want a solid shot at losing twenty pounds BEFORE 2010 then
you need to start today!
Let's get going!
Your friend,
So, if you want to make the most of all Brad has to offer, check out: EAT STOP EAT. Then head over to the community site and enter the challenge there:
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3 months ago
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